Clocktower Hammock

Clocktower Hammock Real Estate Homes for Sale in Jupiter Florida 33458

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Clocktower Hammock homes located in Jupiter Florida is one of newest communities in our city. Homes for sale in Clocktower Hammock feature, single family home community with 40 customized homes, located off Indiantown Road at Military Trial. This smaller sized community features 3 and 4 bedroom homes starting in the low 300’s. Clocktower Hammock home designs offer 4 different model styles: The Tradewind available as a 4 bedroom or a 3 bedroom and den, Gulfstream available as a 4 bedroom or a 3 bedroom and a loft, Islander a 3 bedroom single story home and The Reef a 4 bedroom home or 3 bedroom with a study. The average Clocktower Hammock home size starts in the low 2000 square foot range and moves up depending upon the model.

Clocktower Hammock was developed by Ken Davis of Custom Quality Builders. Although not a national name, this home builder brings brings 35 years of home building experience to each new project. Many standard features that you should expect in the Clocktower Hammock homes for sale include coffered ceilings, suspended soffits, arches, plant ledges, rounded corner bead and 5" baseboards. Many homebuyers who view homes in Clocktower Hammock also look at homes in Egret Landing, Paseos and Mallory Creek for comparison.